
screenshot of tasktracker CLI tool

Taskster is a task prioritization CLI tool that ensures you work on the right tasks at the right time. It helps you organize your project tasks and provides a clear path to tackle them efficiently. With its intuitive command-line interface, you can quickly prioritize and manage your project workload.

It can be installed in your projects as a dependency and can be used to manage the tasks based on their priority. It's a simple and fairly light-weight package.

It can be installed by simply running - npm install taskster then you can use taskster to add, edit, and delete tasks along with their respective priority.

For ex to add a task you would run npx taskster add in your terminal and this will then prompt a dialog that will ask for the Task title and priority. And to view all the tasks that needs to be done in your project simply run npx taskster list this will list all the tasks. Tasks with the high priority will be shown in red color, whereas tasks with medium priority in yellow and tasks with low priority in green color. This indicates the urgency of the tasks.

  • You can add tasks
  • You can edit specific task (task title and priority)
  • You can delete task(s)